From Top Left:
2. Backup glucometer for the rare occasion that something goes wrong with my Omnipod's glucose checking capabilities. I foresee myself eventually getting rid of the backup, but for the time being, it's my safety cushion.
3. Control solution for the glucometer. This ensures that the glucometer is accurate in telling me my blood sugar (to be completely honest, I've never used it. I'm living life on the edge, I know.)
From Bottom Left:
4. The Pod! These stick to my body and contain the insulin that is continually delivered through a teeny tiny "cannula" (like a very small catheter). The pod sticks to me by a very flexible, strong adhesive. It's waterproof and is changed every 3 days.
Eek, I'm about to get vulnerable. Here's what the pod looks like when it's on:
It can be placed on the back of my arm, my back, my stomach, my leg, or practically anywhere there is a little fat.
(For all fellow diabetics out there, I have a feeling you'd LOVE the tube-less feature! I know I do!)
5. My medical bracelet. It took me a really long time to find a medical bracelet that I loved, but I'm super happy that I was as picky as I was. I don't dread wearing it and it's really pretty and feminine in my opinion. It's beautifully engraved with my initials on the front, and detailed information on the back, such as my full name, medical condition, insulin dependence, and emergency contact numbers. In the case that something tragic happens to me and I end up unconscious (let's hope that never happens!), this will inform medical professionals on how to treat me.
6. I carry backup insulin and needles in the case that my Pod fails to work properly (which has happened). The one on the left is long acting and the one on the right is quick acting.
7. Under worst case scenario, the glucagon pen would be used to bring me back to consciousness in the event that my blood sugar gets so low that I pass out. It's rather large and intimidating in my opinion, but thankfully (hmm, not sure if I should word it this way), I won't have a clue in the case that it's utilized. The glass can still be half-full, right?
8. Glucose tablets are used in the case that my blood sugar is low, but not so low that I can't chew or make decisions. They taste like big, chalky sweet tarts. Not entirely enjoyable but they do their job.
So there we have it. That's the gang!
And needless to say, I'll never be carrying a cute, dainty clutch ever again. I never liked clutches that much anyways.
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