about me

In the rare chance that someone stumbles across my blog who doesn't already know me, here's a few details: 

I was born and raised in East Tennessee. After high school graduation I decided to pursue my passion for all things sweet and attend Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte, NC. Two years and an Associates degree in Baking and Pastry later, I was headed back home.  Long story short, restaurants and bakeries weren't my thing (perhaps another post for another time? we shall see).

I now attend the University of Tennessee in Knoxville where I study Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (I swear that's only 2 majors, not 3. I'm not THAT ambitious). 

I'm a MAJOR foodie! I love ethnic food, holes-in-the-wall, funky flavor combinations, you name it! I could read about food, shop for food, cook food, and eat food ALL day long if that was considered acceptable.

If you weren't aware by now, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in February of 2013 (cue the Liberty commercial guy who will forever be charged for how America pronounces "diabetes".....diabetUS!).  It's not going away, but I can honestly say that I'm ok with that.

Lastly, and most importantly, my relationship with Jesus  is what gives me hope and puts meaning to this life I've been given. God didn't "mess up" when he created me. He knows every minuscule detail about me. I exist to know him and make him known.  And that's what this blog is about.

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